Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Thinker (The Freedom Ave. Series)

Head bowed to eternal knowledge
An infinitely insurmountable mountain of thoughts
Chin held by a withering arm
You time is spent
Far away from the harrowing reality
You are stuck in the immortal depth of despair
Your thoughts are walls
Wells and fountains of endless enlightenment
Too heavy they bent your back
Cowing you to the lacklustre reality - life
Of simple ideas, ways of man
No too deep, to drown him and not too high, to escape him
But your ways are similar to rays of sunlight
Permanently on the face of the earth
They pass unnoticed
But your splendour blinds the eyes of those who care
To stop and watch as you find your way through the darkness
You are the Thinker, carved in the freeness of time


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