Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This is not silence;
The words that rush through my veins,
erupting into syllables full of venom;
Killing every idleness.
It cannot be a silence;
When I am quacking,
trying to find a fine breathe;
to keep my soul intact.
I am talking, in furious metaphors
at war with my indigenous self
Over words unspoken
And rhymes never heard before
There is no silence
When my numb hand is dragged
Through the tearing paper
Dripping visions of spirits unseen
It a discourse of the mind;
Engulfed in a prison of words.
"Libera Me"

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Morning

Have you felt the dismay?
The seemingly never ending stretch
Of a thread that takes you to work
To labour that never ends

You sit all day, it’s a Monday
And drain your brain
Until you cannot hold back the anticipation
Of a lively Friday afternoon

It’s a drag, taking forever
But you pass the time
Starring on a blank computer screen
But all you see, is a vibey Friday afternoon.

Dogs don’t cry

Its wailing voice
It is a rage of fury
Its bark a stark warning
And nobody stops
To listen to a dog cry
Dying to breath

But they say so,
Dogs don’t cry

When it wags its tail,
Who can trust it?
And ease its isolation

But they keep saying,
Dogs don’t cry

They can only bark
In pursuit of a prey
But the dog stuck in the night
Is silently crying
Looking out for salvation

Still they say,
Dogs can never cry.

But perhaps dogs can cry?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Merry go round

I wish i was like him
who always ride on the upper side
when life toss and turn
like him smell fresh airs
and feel the wind brush my wings
i would escape this prison
of seclusion; always ridding low
no summer smiles in this
my merry go round

Sunday, March 1, 2009


How have i crowned thee
queen of my life;
that you creep into my every move

You hold me back
when fate demands i move,
into greener pastures

You give me gory nightmares
of thorns in every path
or life full of snares

But when lights go off
and i am laid to rest
you are stripped off my soul

No nightmares, no thorns
snares nowhere to harm
but in your realm

Fear, how did you creep in
into my innocence
and became the definition of my life

how did i crown you queen of my life?