Monday, December 2, 2019

Full Circle

Love is not for kids, they said
Grow up, you might live to tell
It is smokes and mirrors
You see nothing
When your eyes are wide open

So I closed my eyes
Only to watch parting hearts
Leave trails of a brokenness
The story will one day be told
Of the never ending pain

I opened my eyes
To embark on the mute pursuit for happiness
For something that cannot be touched
For something that cannot perish
For something that cannot disappear

It was not found in the valleys
It was not found in the mountains
It was not found  in sacred places
It was not found
In the hallow classrooms of miseducation
It was not found here

At last
Tired of being on the old road
The endless mute pursuit for happiness
Broken by the unwavering anguish
Amassed in the seemingly never ending pursuit
Only to emerge here

Standing at the edge of time
Finally going blind to reality
Unseeing the world and its gory
Only to see what has always been here
Something that cannot perish
Soiled by innocence
A full circle
It never started, it never ended