Saturday, January 20, 2018

Did our brothers have a choice? (Marikana)

(Based on the poem of the same name by Essop Patel for Staffrider Volume 4 April/May 1981)

Did our brothers have a choice between
families drowning in hunger and
 a meagre R12500.00 in wages?

Did our brothers have a choice between
A raging Buffalo charging for platinum and
the solitude of poverty stricken shacks?

Did our brothers have a choice between
going home to their hungry kids and
leaving without goodbye?

Did our brothers have a choice between
the thorn of the barbed wire and
the sting of the R5 bullets?

Did our brothers have a choice between
stopping the gushing blood out of their bullet wounds and
staring death on the face as it trumps?

Did our brothers have a choice between
Home and

Did our brothers have a choice between
The platinum-hell miles and miles underground; and
The hell 6-feet under?

Did our brothers have a choice between
A walk in a park
and a deadly run to a bullet hail?


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