Sunday, December 11, 2022



 Without you 

I would be nothing 

But echo wallowing in eternity

You gave me expression 

Loved me in ways untold 

Cared for me like no other 

In my weakest moments 

You held me high 

High enough to see

The mountains and rivers 

That are behind us 

In my lowest days 

You came through for me 

Lit my heart with hope 

That got me up each morning 

To face this ugly world 

And sea beauty around me 

When I was on top of the world 

It was you who held me still

To count my blessings 

And to never let a moment 

Slip through unappreciated 

Knowing that days like the sun sets

And rise again tomorrow 

Everyday it was you

And no one else 

Who held me strong 

And walk with me all the way 

I am proud

To be YOU