Thursday, December 3, 2020

Moment of Silence

 It is a moment of silence

Say no to thoughts running wild

Hold close your heart

Before its captured by rapturous fires

Angers and joys of sadness 

Its time for yoga 

Dont roll out a mat 

For its the soul that needs to 

stretch still on the mat of silence 

Find calm in the madness 

And stop 

the rioting blood, the angered hope 

There is tomorrow, another day 

Another hope in the rising sun 

But for now stretch out 

On the floor of anguish 

And agonize on nothing 

for today is history
tomorrow is an idea

yesterday is a mirage 

with all its ills 

dont let it live

Stretch it out on the mat of silence  

- for 1 December 2020