Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Don't sleep, its a trap
The night is pregnant with untold nightmares
They don't tell you
They hope you sleep through the dark
And wake up transformed a lasting beauty
But the night is wicked
It haunts, it kills
Both the body and the vision it carried
Don't be a fool and sleep
Or you wake up in a bed full of anguish
A nightmare that refuses to vanish with the dawn
Don't sleep; not in summer
Don't sleep; not in winter
Don't sleep; next to a dog
Don't sleep; with a princes
It is a trap and your night dries up

Friday, February 8, 2019

From what we heard

From what we heard
He was a great man
Full of a heart
That left many in awe

From what we heard
He was a loving man
Full of greatness
That with awe captured many

From what we heard
Nothing untoward could be said
Not even a sad
Could provoke an animal with

From what we heard
He was nothing but a spirit
A benevolent soul
And that's why we are here

I wonder what is said in silence
When no one is listening
Does silence sing him a praise
Or does it sing for his fur