Wednesday, August 15, 2018


You fought in silence
For the landless people of Africa
You lived a life of sacrifice
Suffered endlessly
Yet your life was a service to Africa
You did not need the spotlight
You lived in silence
You fought to the end
Though your name may not
Be mentioned with big occupied name
You remain in the hearts
and souls of landless people
They know of your undying love for Africa
They know you served
They know you suffered
They know you Sacrificed
For Africa

Monday, August 13, 2018

That Boy

That boy
That boy you see on the street
That boy you see roaming
Up and down with cheerful friends
He goes home to a empty house
He goes home to a family of strangers

That boy
Though he is cheerful
His day and night are shells of emptiness
He is fatherless

That boy
You know him
He has a mother
He has a sister
He has a family
But not a father

That Boy
He has a name you know
But it is not his name
He has a surname you know
But it is not his surname

That boy
That boy
A fatherless boy
Has a father
I am him


A friend might be for a season
A lover for a reason
But a father forever

What then when all that remains
is a faint memory of the hey days

Is he still there?
To love and protect?
Even when seasons wither
and reasons fade with time

Is absence in another name
Not an absence

Does he see when he is gone
Watch over our hopes and dreams
Or does he cease to be when he is absent
A father