Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Its Tumi, she killed herself

Did she say good bye? they ask
A dark cloud looms
Vivid pictures of a body ravaged by rat poison
Fleece infested
Nobody knew until the lock was cut
Now the whole skwatta camp is staring down
Down her lonesome body
She is history

Picture a future with withering memories
Confused thoughts, heads rolling in disblief
Linda is no more
Kiss friendship good bye
Wondering if there is life after this
After the her body is rolled into a van
After the last spectator walks away

Knock knock
Who is that?
Linda? Linda is no more?
Is it a ghost?
Or is this head playing games
Or are we all in heaven now

Death be not proud
Couldn't get Linda but got Tumi
She was gone but not for good
Found her way home
Only to find a shack full of people
Mourning her death

Its not her they rolled
She is still full of life
Its Tumi
She killed herself
Some blame the streets
Some blame the late night street walking
Some blame Nigeria
But everyone knew Tumi
She was black

Thursday, June 1, 2017

To all those who died in my arms

Sometimes i crave immortality
At the thought of ghastly pains
And anguish visited upon you
Not with a heart full of bitterness
Not with arms of vengeance
But with a promise of better days
A tomorrow that will outshine today
Just as summer days outshine our winters
Seekers of comfort
Of company
Of love
Of something greater
These arms have betrayed you
Not love
Not comfort
Not protection
Only memories of pain untold
Hence i crave a never ending breath
For fear of your haunting eyes
When St Peter calls.