Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Dirty September

September is a curse
A little dirty anti-black month made in hell
Biko died in September
Now blacks a jollying with  White Monopoly Capital
Peter Tosh died in September
Still Weed is a secret
POQO born but died in a way
No wonder we are not free
If its not the chains its the credit cards
We are slaves any way
Does it matter if we remember
The greatness before the fall
Students still up in arms
I don't know what SASO was all about
Mothopeng led kids to death in vain
If in this September they are still out burning
Burning buildings ashes of a library
Thats what becomes of dreams in delusion
94' butchered it all and Mandela got rich
Zoom zoom ah
we are on autopilot
A black child is on his own again

2016 - This Bitch of Year

Its not boy's dream
this bitch of a year, boay
to wake up fatherless
longing for the better days
when bitter and better
didn't dwell much further apart

its not a father's dream
this bitch of a year, boay
to walk to your daughter's lifeless body
Its no a sleep she is not waking up
cold you look at her still stare
and see her cold disappointment

A boy wish he grew stronger
maybe shield his ailing father

A father wish he was there
to protect the little girl wrangled in wreckage

but its too late
its a bitch of a year, boay

For Alpheus Mususumeli Mmbara & Khano Mmbara