Monday, June 6, 2016

Broken Promises


Living in a world of broken promises
wrapt in a rainbow illusion

Count the tears 
count the nights spent under bridges
and days braved in hunger

Dreams don't come true
in time they wash away
until we dream some more 

The hunger continues
stuck in traffic lights hoping for a meal
but the homelessness continues 
birds of the skies have nests to call home
blue eyed hyenas have holes to call home
but what of a black child?

her hunger is centuries old
her homelessness is infinite
she is landless

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Mbudziso na dzone a dzi fheli
a dzi d̪ivhi lufu
ndi d̪i ndi d̪o pfa muludzi
u tshi lila muvhulani
hone zwothe zwe ndi bva vhubvo
mud̪ivhi wa zwo ndi nnyi?
na kani tshifhinga ndi wone mudengu?
u ne wa dengula vhuṱunga na zwiṱhavhi

nne athi tshe na tshanga
ḽa matshelo ndi mini?
arali miḽoro ya madekwe isa tsha wedza
ho tou sala ngelekanyo dza musala uḽa
musi Phiphid̪i ḽi tshe ḽo lala

nahone mupfumi ndi nnyi?
we aya a vha bindu khae
Tshandau na wa pfuma zwa ita ni?
dzashu mbilu dzo pangulwa
ho sala muṱodzi muni?

nne a thi tsha amba, u amba ndi u pfa nungo
ḽa swifhala mbado u khad̪i i farelani
hufha lu lwendo?
na ḽashu d̪uvha, lo sema mano
ḽia d̪a sa mbava, i sa d̪ivhwi
hone mbudziso ndi mini?
ngauri itsho ndi itsho

Kani vhuṱungu ndi vhadzi?
ḽine ḽa ṱahadzwa nga tshifhinga
Mbudziso dza fhela